The inaugural Boyle Celtic
to Croke Patrick Challenge
took place last Saturday when friends of Boyle Celtic cycled approximately
100km from Celtic
Park to the base of Croke
Patrick and then climbed the revered mountain, all in one day!
Everyone came
back in one piece, albeit with sore legs and a couple of sore knees and hands –
you can probably work out why!!! Photographic evidence of Mick McHale snr's spill to follow which will clarify exactly why the incident took place...
The Club offers many thanks to all those who
suffered on the way over and up and all those who kindly sponsored the heroic
efforts of the cyclists / climbers.
Special thanks go to:-
Dessie McLoughlin and
Gerry Emmett for organising the whole event
Enda Madden, Gavin Brennan, Conor Nerney,
Brian Supple & Aileen Madden for marshalling and controlling the cycle run
Sandra McCrann, Siobhan Harrington, Phil Emmett & Margaret McLoughlin for
the superb food that kept the legs pumping
Padraig Langan, Gabriel Dwyer &
Feargail Quinn for the lorry for transporting our bikes home
& Mickey Cull (Drumderrig Nursing Home) who provided the bus
transport to accompany us over and bring us all back
Campbells Bar
(The Fitzpatrick Family, Forest View) for the much-needed soup and
sandwiches after “it” was all over
Sean O’Dowd (RealBoyle) for the publicity
The Railway Bar (Sharyn, Collette & Peter) for the lovely
food that greeted us on our return to Boyle.
As the song says, let’s do it all
again – but maybe not just yet!!